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Day 10/365

#365emptysquares Art is not thinking something up; it is the opposite - getting something down - Julia Cameron It is time to start...

Day 9/365

#365emptysquares I think perfectionism is just fear in fancy shoes and a mink coat, pretending to be elegant when actually it is just...

Day 8/365

#365emptysquares If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame cannot survive - Brené Brown...

Day 7/365

#365emptysquares Stop micromanaging. Stop thinking small. Stop focusing on endless to do lists. Stop chasing after tasks done to gain...

Day 6/365

#365emptysquares Give me a firm place to stand, and I will move the earth - Archimedes What stories about ourselves have we so...

Day 5/365

#365emptysquares Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they are yours - Richard Bach All to often we discount our ordinary. We...

Day 4/365

#365emptysquares Today - answer a why questions - Why did I start this #365emptysquares journey? The answer - To inspire women just like...

Day 3/365

#365emptysquares Create an image of what it would look, and feel like when you reach a place where you can say, "I am me" If you know...

Day 2/365

#365emptysquares Today - create an image to remind yourself to use the canvas you are given, whether it's making a school lunch, doing...

Day 1/365

#365emptysquares - What would it look like if you showed up as you are? What might happen if your ordinary is enough? If you don't need...

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